How to cut your blow drying time to half
Busy week, woke up a little too late, or just don’t want to spend the sometimes two hour process drying and styling your hair?
Keep reading to find out how you can cut your blow drying time to half!
There are a few different options you can do to make drying your hair a quicker process.
First, stop drying your hair with a regular towel! It not only drys your hair at a slower rate but it can be very damaging to your hair. If you rub too hard or squeeze too hard it can make your ends and surface of your hair brittle and start to split them faster than they normally would.
We suggest squeezing out as much water as you can before you get out of the shower. Once you have rung it out really well, use your microfiber towel to soak up the rest. The microfiber material is much more absorbent than any cotton towel, which will help the drying process right off the bat.
Second, when you start to blow dry, section off your hair. We section our hair off into small parts so it takes less time for each section to dry. This way is more efficient and will allow you to use less heat on your hair overall.
Third, make sure you are directing the heat from the top to the bottom of your hair. Start at your scalp and work your way down to the ends, while the entire time angling the blowdryer downward.
Fourth, always remember to keep the heat moving. When you stay in one place on your hair it can cause over drying which can damage your hair.
Finally, buy a better dryer or buy quick-dry products! Many different brands offer heat protectant spray and quick-drying sprays that will make drying and styling faster for you. Also, having a high-end dryer will not only dry your hair faster but will also damage your hair less, due to advancing technology.
Let us know if you have some tricks up your sleeve that you use to dry your hair faster!
♥ Hidden Crown ♥