Pregnancy. Between the morning sickness and mood swings, most hair changes as well. Some good, some not so good. Some of the hair changes that happen during and after pregnancy can be distressing, but it’s important to remember that they’re temporary and common.

Hair change is a normal event during pregnancy. Your hair does appear to grow faster, and it becomes thicker. Others may find it gets drier or greasier instead. Some women notice a change in color, and some women notice a change in the texture.

Many ask why? What’s happening is that you’re just not losing as much hair as usual, due to the surge of in your estrogen and progesterone levels affecting your hair-growth cycle.

Before you got pregnant, your hair was on a natural 3-month cycle of growing, resting and then gradually shedding. At any one time, around 85% to 95% of your hairs were growing, and 5% to 15% were in the ‘resting’ stage which gradually leads to shedding, usually when you brush or wash your hair. You’re not shedding nearly as much hair as normal and that makes it look like you’ve got a fuller head of hair.

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Until next time…