Hair 911: Rescue Damaged Hair with Extensions
Playing the waiting game while you count the days until your hair recovers from everyday styling and processing doesn’t have to mean hiding under a rock or wallowing in hair envy at everyone else’s gorgeous looks on social media. Hair extensions are the perfect solution to change up your look without damaging your hair while it grows back and becomes healthy again. There are extensions for every hair length and color to create exactly the style you want. Or why not use this opportunity to play around with new looks using extensions to create no-commitment transformations? Long, wavy hair one day, gone tomorrow!

Pro hair stylist Bradley Leake (@hairbybradelyleake) says "semi-permanent hair extensions that can be applied in the comfort of your own home is another option to avoid damage. "The halo-style extensions like the ones from Hidden Crown require no clips or glue! The extension-style headband sits on the crown with an invisible wire and molds to the head shape. Semi-permanent options such as clip-in hair extension options are less damaging and the fewer the clips the better to minimize any potential damage," he says.” via Byrdie

Reach out to us for an expert color match and advice on which extensions to use to create your desired look while you give your own hair a break from intense styling and processing.
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