Beat The Heat
The weather is starting to heat up!
Let’s beat it with some hairstyles that will keep you cool!
Beat The Heat Hair
Is your hair making you even hotter? Having it sit on your shoulders and back of your neck all day long isn’t helping. We have a few suggestions on how you can beat the heat like we do!
During warmer weather, we like to make sure and do a lot of up-do’s. Most can be quick and easy and others can be a little more time consuming depending on where you’re going and what you’re doing.
⇒Try twisting your hair into a bun and then wrapping a small scarf around it to not only keep your hair together but to use as an accessory!
⇒ Put some pretty waves in your hair and then grab your favorite bow to finish off the look!
⇒ Going out on a date? Braid your hair first and then twist it into a bun. It’s elegant and easy!
⇒ If you have a bit more time try fishtailing your hair into a twisted bun.
How do you beat the heat?!? Find our Facebook and Instagram to let us know!
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