Festival season is officially among us. So ladies, let's start planning for outfits, makeup and last but not least... Hairstyles.
Our friends over at Popsugar are sharing one of their "go-to" items for Coachella 2019. Can you take a guess as to what it is???
Yes, Hidden Crown Hair Extensions.
Hair by celebrity hairstylist, Justine Marjan
Long Lengths
"I love the homage to Woodstock at Coachella and am looking forward to seeing lots of ultralong lengths that can be whipped around," said Marjan. If you don't already have long hair, she suggested using a Hidden Crown Hair Headband style extension.
"This is the easiest way to add dramatic length on yourself without a ton of effort or worrying about tracks showing. Style it with rocker waves using the Ghd Classic Curl Iron and lots of Tresemme Micro Mist,"
Read the full article HERE!
Find your Coachella hair and get it in time by visiting us at www.hiddencrownhair.com