
Is your hair dry and damaged but you don’t have the time or money to leave your house to fix it? We have complied a list of home recipes that you can whip up in minutes!

♥ Natural Hair Masks ♥

Coconut Oil.

It’s as simple as that. One ingredient to get the job done. All you need is about a quarter of a cup of warmed coconut oil. You can apply it to your hair wet or dry, and make sure to keep it in for at least an hour. Make sure to do this in a bath tub or put your hair in a shower cap. Coconut oil can stain your clothes and linens so you have to be careful when putting it in your hair. Also make sure to clean your bathtub right away, because coconut oil is slippery and we don’t want you getting hurt! Once the time is up, rinse it out well and carry on as normal.


Avocado & Egg Yolk.

Now we have a two ingredient combination of avocado and egg yolk. You will need about 1/2 of an avocado and 2 egg yolks. Mix them together in a bowl throughly. For this one you can also apply it to your hair wet or dry, but you only have to keep this in for 15-20 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse it out of your hair well  and wash it and viola! All done.

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Helpful Hint: Crack the eggs into a separate bowl first and don’t break the yolk. Grab an empty water bottle, take off the cap, and squeeze the water bottle with the opening facing down. Hover over each yolk and slightly touch the top of the yolk with the opening of the water bottle. Once it is touching, release your grasp on the water bottle to suck up the yolk. By doing this it’s an easy, quick way to separate the yolk from the whites without breaking the yolk. Once the yolk is inside of the water bottle simply squeeze the bottle again in your new bowl with the 1/2 of avocado.


Yogurt, Honey, & Olive Oil.

Last but not least the triple solution. For this one you will need 1 tsp of olive oil, 1 tbsp of honey, and 1/4 a cup of yogurt. Mix all three of these ingredients throughly in a bowl. This one should be used on damp hair only. Let it sit in your hair for 15-20 minutes. Once the time is up, rinse and wash your hair well, and allow it to dry as normal (no immediate heat applied).


Which one(s) will you try?!

Let us know about your experience by commenting below!


♥ Hidden Crown ♥