Ring in the new year in style with selfie-worthy hair: we’ve got the pics and extensions details for this year’s top trending special event looks….
Cue the music and get the bevies ready - it’s time to say goodbye to 2024 and ring in the new year in style. Whether it’s an all-nighter with friends, a quiet romantic getaway with someone special, or a sophisticated dinner, a party is a party, and that deserves gorgeous hair. Don’t wait for a last minute panic ‘do when what you really want is selfie-worthy hair that elevates your entire look - it’s New Year’s Eve after all. Line up your favorite hair inspo ahead of time, making the best use of your extensions wardrobe to create your dream hair. We’ve got the pics and extensions details for this year’s top trending special event looks, including a step by step video tutorial from stylist Bradley Leake with his expert tips to create a party-worthy half up style we can all do:

@beautyxsophierose using Hidden Crown® Clip In | Jet Black | #1 | 24”

boost for fullness and length: @hadar_shalom6 styled by
@nesel_marom using Hidden Crown® Clip In | Honey Bronde
Blend | #422

Clip In | Light Ash Brown with Deep Lowlights | #612

better wild and never needs a touch-up: @kattyukhanova styled by
@haileyadickeshair using Hidden Crown® Seamless Clip In |
Creamy Blonde with Ashy Lowlights | #10/22

ponytail with extra volume for the perfect hair toss: @maya.keyy
styled by @nesel_marom using Hidden Crown® Clip In | Butter
Blonde Blend | #2412

supermodel hair on @emily_kuper styled by @nesel_marom using
Hidden Crown® Clip In | Light Brown / Darkest Blonde | #8
It’s been quite a year and we are ready to see 2024 off and celebrate the new year with gratitude for all our Hidden Crown® Queens who are at the heart of everything we do, and who we are. Our purpose is to give you the highest quality 100% real Remy human hair extensions backed with the best expertise and support to help you with your dream hair journey, to offer you the extension solutions you need and to address your hair concerns, and to inspire you to be the best version of yourself and love what you see in the mirror. Happy New Years, Queens! Cheers to you! #hiddencrownhair